A credit card is an easy and convenient way to buy now and pay later. But it's always good to be aware of credit card security to protect yourself from fraud.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of ways that fraudsters can steal your identity and use your credit card. Here are some of them:
Here are some ways to keep your credit card and personal information safe and secure:
- Email domain names should be spelled correctly and shouldn't come from a personal email address.
- An SMS should come from an official sender (i.e. HSBC or HSBC PH) and not personal mobile numbers.
If you've lost your card or suspect a fraudulent activity, report it immediately by calling (02) 8858-0000 or (02) 7976-8000. For unauthorised transactions posted on your account, fill out an Online Dispute Form.
To report phishing websites, smishing texts or suspicious emails that requested your personal banking information, send an email to phishing@hsbc.com. You'll receive an automatic response to acknowledge receipt of your email.
To report vishing cases, call our Contact Centre and provide the details of the call.
Read more about credit card security and other security reminders . And see some tips on using your credit card.
1 Purchase Protect insurance includes coverage for accidental damage and/or theft for eligible items (up to PHP5,000 per event and a maximum of PHP15,000 per year, with 10% deductible) and accidental death benefit (up to PHP10,000). Eligible items are items that are brand new, purchased solely for personal use, bought from a retailer or seller, and charged to the qualified HSBC Credit Card. Terms and conditions apply.