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Woman is using her mobile phone, image used for HSBC Philippines Mobile Banking App

HSBC Mobile Banking app

Manage your accounts on the go
HSBC mobile banking app homepage image

Do your banking anywhere

Stay in control of your finances easily with our mobile banking app. Whether you're checking your balances or setting up new transactions, the app lets you do your banking wherever you are.

Why you'll want the app

  • One app, all accounts
    With just one app, you can access all your HSBC bank and credit card account balances and transactions anytime, anywhere.
  • Move money with ease
    Transfer your funds anywhere - between HSBC accounts, or to other local and international bank accounts.  Conveniently transfer Philippine Peso funds to local bank accounts via PESONet.
  • Do your international banking
    If you're Premier or Advance customer with HSBC accounts in other countries/regions, you can do your international banking with the app too.
  • Pay bills online and get rewarded
    With just a few taps, your financial commitments are up-to-date. You can even pay using your HSBC credit card and earn Bonus Points to redeem rewards.
  • Security as standard

    Stay protected on the go. Even if your phone is lost, no one can log on to your mobile app without you and your HSBC Secure Key.
  • Be informed, anywhere
    Get real-time foreign currency exchange rates and term deposit rates anywhere you are.

Get the app

Already use online banking?

Here’s how to download the HSBC for EG, PH, SL Mobile Banking app:

  1. The app is available on the App Store and on Google Play. Click a button or link below to download.

Don't have online banking?

You need to register for online banking before you can use the mobile banking app. 

2. The link will open our app, HSBC for EG, PH, SL. Click the Get or Install button. (App store has “Get” button / Google Play has “Install”)


Once installation is complete, you can open the app to enjoy banking on the go.

Frequently asked questions

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